Jasmina in Oto ter Denis, OŠ Hinko Smrekar
Photo: Grega Gulin

Jasmina in Oto ter Jovan, OŠ Hinko Smrekar
Photo: Grega Gulin

Jasmina in Oto ter Jovan, OŠ Hinko Smrekar
Photo: Grega Gulin

Avša in Tiha, OŠ Hinko Smrekar
Photo: Jasmina Hasković

Nina in Avša ter Tiha, OŠ Hinko Smrekar
Photo: Jasmina Hasković

Avša in Kenan, OŠ Hinko Smrekar
Photo: Jasmina Hasković

R.E.A.D. for PET (R.E.A.D. ®) – dog assisted reading

Dog assisted reading – R.E.A.D. ® (Reading Education Assistance Dogs) is a licensed programme registered with Intermountain Therapy Animals USA, which is being implemented through our Institute and which we have named »Berem za PET« (Read for PET).

The mission of this unique programme is to improve the literacy skills of children, to increase motivation, interest and promote a positive attitude towards books and reading by employing a specific method: reading to a dog.
Where is it implemented?
It can be implemented in kindergartens, primary schools, libraries, care institutions, boarding schools, book shops, …

READ for PET in the library (R.E.A.D. ®) – AAA

This programme is defined as dog assisted activity. The children are selected in advance, the goals are not specified and the activity is not documented.


The child can apply in advance in the library for a one-time session, the goals are not set and the activity is not documented. The purpose is to encourage motivation for reading, to entertain, and to relax the children through reading.  

It includes:


Where is it implemented?
It is implemented in libraries, where a suitable, quiet space must be provided along with animal themed books.
How long does it last?
10-15 min per child. It takes place once a week – for at least a month or once a month throughout the year.


READ for PET in the school (R.E.A.D. ®) – AAT
It is animal assisted therapy. The pupils are selected for participating in the programme, the goals are set for each child individually. The results of the therapy are monitored and the progress is documented. It takes place in cooperation with the child, dog and its handler. The professional worker employed at school picks out individual pupils to participate, selects the books, gives meaning to the lesson and documents each individual therapy.
The therapy includes:

Where is it implemented?
At school.
How long does it last?
30 min per individual pupil. 




Every PET (5) is welcome, as you help us work better